Become our distributor
Do you want a unique high-quality of water and dryland sport equipment and training system in supply chain? Through us you will get professional water and dryland fitness and sport-specific equipment and special training system for more specific needs, both home and professional use. Become a partner, increase sales and get more satisfied customers!
The Aquawallgym brand is guarantee for high quality. Every AquawallgymTM products are Hungarian inventions, the production is in close cooperation with Hungarian manufacturers and entrepreneurs. We rely on the expertise and the experience of the Hungarian professionals and thanks to them we are producing and selling high-quality products. This fact is always highly appreciated in Hungary and abroad also.
We offer different equipment and accessories for home training, professional athletes, coaching, fitness centres, gyms, rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Our product range is for fitness, competitive sports, recovery and recreation as well.
A retailer will get product samples, trainings, discounted retailer price list and the support of our professional customer service. The demand of AquawallgymTM products is high specially in water sport segment due to their uniqueness. By becoming a retailer, it is possible to break into your domestic market with high-quality, reliable products range and get more profit for your business.
The products for selling are developed by our professionals in the sport and rehab field, and are based on consultations with professional athletes, coaches, medical experts and physiotherapists.
The training concept was created around the innovations serve as great ways to gain faster and more efficient rehabilitation, more diverse and effective workout.
Fast deliveries are guaranteed by the Hungarian storage. We are in contract with several freight companies. We are very flexible regarding deliveries and we are eager to find the best possible solution for our customers. We can also delivery the orders directly to the customers.
Interested? Contact us!
phone +36 20 33 33 948
address Hungary 1141 Budapest, Kalocsai utca 61.